Lodi Library Card Privileges
Library Cards Any Lodi Borough resident or anyone who pays taxes in Lodi is entitled to library card privileges at Lodi Memorial Library. Proof of eligibility such as a driver’s license or utility bill with name and current address is required at registration. Patrons must present a library card to pick up materials. There is a $3.00 fee to replace a lost library card Loan Periods Items marked with a NEW sticker may be borrowed for two weeks (14 days), except for NEW magazines, CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays and video games which may be borrowed for one week (7 days). Items without a new sticker may be borrowed for four weeks (28 days), except for magazines, CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays and video games which can be borrowed for two weeks (14 days). DVDs, Blu-Rays and video games may only be checked out on an Adult library card (age 18) unless they are designated as a Juvenile item (J sticker). These can be checked out by patrons of any age. Patrons may borrow 2 video games on an adult card per checkout. Returning Materials Materials may be dropped off at any library in the BCCLS system and will be returned to the owning library. DVDs, CDs and video games can not be put in the outside book return slot. You must bring them inside to the circulation desk for return. Renewals All checked out materials may be renewed provided the materials are not "On Hold" due to a prior request from another patron. Renewable materials may be renewed twice, except for items with NEW stickers which can only be renewed once. Items will automatically renew if there are no holds or you can renew them yourself in person or by phone, or from the "My Account" feature of the BCCLS catalog. Fines Fines are charged for materials returned after the due date. A fine of $.10 per day is charged for all overdue materials, except for pre-loaded Launchpad devices, which have a late fine of $1 per day. Library cards with fines of $10.00 or more are blocked for checkouts and computer use. For lost items, the patron is billed for the item's replacement cost. Holds and Inter-Library Loans Materials may be placed on hold in person, by phone, or from the BCCLS catalog. Borrowers may request books and materials held in other libraries and institutions willing to lend. Once requested, patrons will be notified by email or phone when items are available Request an Item Library cardholders can call the Reference Desk at 973-365-4044, to request library items with their library card. Or, they can use the online BCCLS catalog at www.bccls.org to look up the item and request an item with their library card number and password. Once requested, please allow 48 hours for requests to be processed, and an additional few days for transfer if items are coming from a library other than Lodi. |
Lodi Library Services
Computer Use Lodi Memorial Library offers 12 public computers (for grades 9 and up), 4 youth computers in the children's area and 2 computers with educational games and no internet access. All youth and adult public computers are equipped with Office 2010, internet access plus networked printing capability. Computers are available for a 30-minute session which can be extended for additional 30-minute intervals (if no one is waiting for a PC). Patrons with blocked library cards must resolve fines to obtain computer access. To ensure patron privacy and security, the public computer memory is cleared on logoff/shutdown. It is recommended that patrons bring a flash/thumb drive with them, or stop by the Reference Librarian's desk for assistance. Wireless The library offers free wireless service to the public. Wi-Fi is less secure than a wired network. See a staff member for the password to access the WIFI system. Headphones Patrons are welcome to bring and plug in their headphones and use the sound feature on our computers. Earbuds can be purchased for $2.00 at the front desk for those wishing to turn on the sound at the public computers. Fax The library fax # is 973-365-0172. Library staff will assist you in faxing documents. The price is $3.00 for the first three pages and $.50 for each page thereafter for NJ faxes. For faxes out of state, the price is $6.00 for the first three pages and $.50 per page thereafter. Faxes may be received for $1.50 per page and $.50 for each page thereafter. Printing from Public Computers Black & white printing is $.15 per page. Color printing is $.25 per page. We cannot print jobs costing more than $15.00 (100 pages Black & white or 60 pages color). Wireless Printing from your cellphone is also available at the same rates as above. Copy Machine Black & white copies are $.15 per page and color copies are $.25 per page. Scanner A computer scanner is available to use for free. The scanner can be used to scan documents and photos to email, save onto a flash drive, or to create printouts for duplication or faxing. |